Distance from cities on the motorway:
Budapest: 180 km, 1 h 50 min
Szeged: 20 km, 25 min
Kecskemét: 95 km, 1 h
Szabadka (Serbia): 30 km, 40 min
Belgrád (Serbia): 205 km, 2 h 30 min
Temesvár (Romania): 160 km, 2 h
Arad (Romania): 125 km, 1h 20 min
Distance from the closest border crossing checkpoint:
Kiszombor: 50 km, 50 min
Nagylak: 80 km, 55 min
Röszke: 9 km, 20 min
Ásotthalom: 12 km, 15 min
Tiszasziget: 48 km, 50 min
From the traffic point of view, Mórahalom is a favorably located town, it serves the role of the “gate of the south”.
The proximity of both the southern border of the country and that of Szeged, as a traffic junction creates a lucky position. All kinds of public road and railroad transport is possible on the well-maintained roads. The proximity of the Tisza provides access to the water routes, and there is an airport available, and suitable for the reception of charter flights in Szeged as well. At the same place there is an international railway camion terminal, too.
Mórahalom is crossed by priority road nr. 55, which connects Szeged and Baja, the two logistical centers. From this public road nr. 5512, which leads to the Serbian border going besides the Industrial Park, to the Röszke border checkpoint 9 km from here. The road joins the motorway M5 8 km from the town.
Statistics of Mórahalom district
Number of settlements belonging to the district: | 10 |
Area, km²: | 562 |
Population density, head/km²: | 52.9 |
Resident population: by the end of 2010, in heads: | 29704 |
Ratio of people under the age of 14 years, %: | 14 |
Ratio of people between the age of 15-64 years, %: | 67.8 |
Ratio of people above the age 65 years, %: | 18.3 |
Ratio of registered job seekers from the working age population, %: | 9.7 |
Income per tax payer which is the base of Personal income tax, thousand HUF: | 1299 |
Number of people receiving pension, or grant from supplementary public pension funds per a thousand residents: | 308.2 |
Average number of people receiving regular social assistance per a thousand residents: | 5.3 |
Ratio of settlements having nursery schools, %: | 100 |
Ratio of settlements having primary schools, %: | 100 |
Ratio of settlements having secondary schools, %: | 30 |
Number of registered enterprises per a thousand residents: | 261 |
In the internal area of the town the quality of the road network is perfect. Both local and pint-to-point (intercity) public transportation is solved by autobuses. The run density is high (4-5 buses per hour), which is thanks to the fact that runs travelling between Szeged and the large cities of the Trans-Danubia are stopping at Mórahalom as well.
In the internal area of the town the safe traffic of bicycles is assisted by bike routes. The implementation of the traffic safety and touristic bike roads between Szeged and Ásotthalom, running next to route 55, plus the Mórahalom-Zákányszék, Móralahom-Röszke bike roads are among the plans of the town leaders.
Mórahalmi district
The total area of the 10 settlements constituting the Mórahalmi district is: 561.71 km², its population is nearly 30 thousand heads. The crop production area in the region is 56,857 ha, mainly with fields of 6-7 “golden crown” (aranykorona) value.
Priorities of the small regional development
– integration of agricultural raw material production, agricultural development
– application of biotechnology
– harmonized information technology (IT) development
– development of tourism and rural tourism
– mutual infrastructural investments
– attraction of the processing industry
– innovative approach
In this region, besides fruit growing, primarily vegetable production – requiring high labor input and high-level producing/growing experience – is significant. One third of the vegetable production of the country is provided by the 3 southern-plain counties. The most typical kinds of vegetables are: the different peppers (paprika) , tomato, cabbage variants, potato, asparagus (this is one of the largest asparagus growing area of the country). The fruits produced in the highest volume in the area are peach and apple. To viticulture wine producing is associated with great tradition.
Thanks to the extremely favorable climatic and soil conditions, as well as growing culture, excellent quality vegetables and fruits are grown here, with characteristic flavor, which are known and appreciated both domestically and abroad. Peach and spice pepper have the value of a hungaricum.